Free Taster Session for Singing Technique: Level 1 (Adults)

with Victoria Barbé

Event Content:
As a group, we will share introductions, then start the taster class and explore how to warm up the body and voice ready for singing, look at breathing and support for singing, and learn and sing a song together from a musical. This will give you some insight to what a whole course would be like.
Following the class you will have the opportunity to stay for an informal discussion to see what the Apothecary of Arts will be offering, and to share your thoughts on what you would like to see happening in the area through the Apothecary! If we can facilitate, we will! As a new company in the area, it is a brilliant time to help shape activities and your input will be greatly appreciated.

Event Time & Date:
7:15pm to 8:45pm - Thursday 11th April

Event Schedule:
7pm  Arrival and chatter

7:15pm Singing Class led by Victoria

8:15pm  Q&A (Optional)

Venue: The Hall, Brampton Community Centre, Union Lane, Brampton, Cumbria.

COST: FREE! Please email to ensure your place. You can turn up on the night but we would appreciate advance notice so we can prepare the session adequately.

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