Community Project:
As part of fulfilling our mission to "support the performing arts and arts in Cumbria through network development, time, giving smaller groups a voice, and through collaboration", we have started a monthly newsletter with a 'Community Board' for amateur and professional companies to share their activities. We will post this out with the newsletter and through our social media platforms. Please do email info@apothecary-of-arts if you would like us to feature your project in the newsletter and on our socials.
This is a collaboration with Simon Photo Art and the Apothecary of Arts, building on the travel writing previously undertaken by Simon and Victoria, and we will offer to visit you at your base to take promotional photos and to help with the creation of a feature post or blog.....or you can send us any information and photos digitally if easier.
Eventually, the network built will culminate in a yearly festival of the work (both amateur and professional) that is taking place across Cumbria.
More information will be printed here and on our social media pages as the project takes shape.
Our Newsletters can be read here.

New Musicals and Plays:
Research and writing is currently taking place to create new Productions based on the stories and histories around the areas of Carlisle and Brampton in Cumbria, and Projects for the benefit of others.

Semi-Professional Productions:
We will gain the funding to produce established plays or musicals with a blend of professional paid performers, up-coming performers and the community.

Validated Courses:
We will have a blend of stand alone courses validated for  CPD and accessible higher education.

More information will be printed here and on our social media pages as the productions take shape.